Section: NetBackup Commands (1M)
Updated: 2019-01-29


bpgetconfig - get configuration information  


bpgetconfig -M master [-x | -X | -d | -D] [config_item ...]

bpgetconfig [-u | -h] [-x | -X | -d | -D] [config_item ...]

bpgetconfig -g server [-L | -U | -l] [-c] [-A]

bpgetconfig -s server [-L | -U | -l] [-c] [-A]

bpgetconfig -i | -e filename client [policy [schedule]]

bpgetconfig -private_exld_list

On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/

On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\  


bpgetconfig can be used as a stand-alone program or as a helper program for the backuptrace and the restoretrace commands to obtain configuration information. This command is available for all NetBackup server platforms. It displays the configuration information of a specified server in various formats.

bpgetconfig also retrieves general host information from a specified host server by using the -g or -s option.

You must have administrator privileges to run this command.  


Displays all available system information. The -A option can be used only with the -g or -s option.
Displays the ciphers, one per line, that are appended to the -g or -s option output. The -c option can be used only with the -g or -s option.
-D | -d
The -D option returns a listing of configuration entry names, the existing configuration values in brackets, and the default configuration values in parentheses. This operation can be performed locally or remotely. The remote machine with an identical version of NetBackup is installed. The -D and -d options may be combined with the -M, -h, and -u options.

The following is a portion of a full display of all configuration items:

REQUEST_DELIVERY_TIMEOUT         [300]              (300)
DISABLE_SCSI_RESERVE             [NO]               (NO)
Time_Overlap                     [60]               (60)
Buffer_Size                      [16]               (16)
Use_Archive_Bit                  [YES]              (YES)
Perform_Default_Search           [YES]              (YES)
Accumulate_Files                 [NO]               (NO)
The -d option functions like the -D option, except -d displays only the entries that are changed from the configuration defaults. The following is an example display:

PEM_VERBOSE                      [-1]                     (0)
JM_VERBOSE                       [-1]                     (0)
RB_VERBOSE                       [-1]                     (0)
CONNECT_OPTIONS                  [**configured**]         ()
Exclude                          [**configured**]         ()
Browser                          [host1.min.vrts.com]     ()
AUTHENTICATION_DOMAIN            [**not configured**]     ()
VXSS_NETWORK                     [**not configured**]     ()
PREFERRED_NETWORK                [**not configured**]     ()
-e filename server [class [schedule]]
Retrieves the exclude_list file from server and writes it to the location specified by filename. The policy and schedule qualifiers allow the exclude_list.policy file and the exclude_list.policy.schedule to be retrieved. The files in the exclude list are excluded from being backed up.

This option applies only to UNIX.

-g server

Selects the host server (server) for which the following general NetBackup information appears:

Master or Client
NetBackup Client Platform
NetBackup Client Protocol Level
Product Type
Version Name
Version number
Installed Path for NetBackup Bin
Installed OS for host server
Displays the default local host configuration.
-i filename server [class [schedule]]
Retrieves the include_list file from server and writes it to the location specified by filename. The class (policy) and schedule qualifiers allow the include_list.class file and the include_list.class.schedule to be retrieved. The files in the include list are the exceptions to the exclude list. They are therefore included in a backup operation.

This option applies only to UNIX.

Displays a long, user-readable list. The -L option can be used only with the -g or -s option.
Displays a compact, machine-readable list. The -l option can be used only with the -g or -s option.
-M master
Specifies the master server (master) whose host configuration appears.
Lists all the directories and files that are excluded by default from a backup.
-s server

Selects the host server (server) for which bpgetconfig outputs the following field information:

Field 1 = Server type (master, media, or client)
Field 2 = OS type of the specified server
Field 3 = NetBackup client protocol level
Field 4 = NetBackup product type (e.g., NetBackup)
Field 5 = NetBackup version name (e.g., 8.0)
Field 6 = NetBackup version number (e.g., 800000)
Field 7 = Installation path to the NetBackup bin on the server
Field 8 = Installed OS for host server
Displays the tier information, one item per line, that is appended to the -s option output. The -t option can be used only with the -g or -s option.
Displays a brief, user-readable list (default). The -U option can be used only with the -g or -s option.
Displays the current user configuration.
Lists all configuration items by default. The -x and -X options may be combined with the -M, -h, and -u options. The -x and -X options have no effect if one or more configuration items are specified on the command line.

If config_item is specified, it appears on the specified configuration items.

Excludes the items not explicitly listed in the configuration.


Example 1 - Retrieve the VERSIONINFO option setting from the bp.conf file.

# bpgetconfig VERSIONINFO
VERSIONINFO = "SunOS" "5.9" "Unknown" "NetBackup" "8.0" 800000

Example 2 - Retrieve all available system information and display a long, user-readable list.

# bpgetconfig -s hagar -A -L
Client/Master = Master
NetBackup Client Platform = Solaris9
NetBackup Client Protocol Level = 8.0
Product = NetBackup
Version Name = 8.0
Version Number = 800000
NetBackup Installation Path = /usr/openv/netbackup/bin
Client OS/Release = SunOS 5.9 
Cipher = 
Patch Level = 8.0

Example 3 - On a UNIX system, retrieve the file exclude_list from client sun01 and write it to sun01_exclude_list in directory /usr/openv/netbackup/lists.

# bpgetconfig -e /usr/openv/netbackup/lists/sun01_exclude_list sun01

Example 4 - Retrieve the list of directories and files that are by default excluded from a backup.

#bpgetconfig -private_exld_list

Total Number of Entries in Exclude List : 23








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